Sunday, October 15, 2017

Kids in Mission

Yesterday, we had a function with mostly adults. For years my kids have come along with us and joined in, mostly not complaining and mostly getting involved where they could. This child of mine asked if he could bring an iPad to play on instead of talking. I said, "No, kiddo. Engage." He was sure he was going to be bored.  After lunch, I looked up and saw this conversation and it made my heart so happy. He and Lefa shooting the breeze and laughing so much Kyla had to investigate what was happening.  ❤️ Good for you Matt!! This kid has so much to offer and the smile on his face made my day.

Monday, June 26, 2017


I love this sweet friend so very much!!! Her devotion to the children at Martha's House is an amazing thing to witness. Right now she's struggling with some health issues and feels awful. Its hard to see her held back from her incredible life of service that blesses so many. Please join me in prayer for her healing. Thank you!!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Christmas in June

I unpacked a duffle bag this morning that never seemed to empty. I am so grateful for Joe and Mishal Newell and their team from UNC that brought these awesome gifts for Martha's House and Agnes's House. I can't wait to give these goodies to the kids!!! 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Awesome time with Martha!

This team rocks! They have done an amazing job of connecting with the children at Martha's house and loving them right where they are. We had a beautiful morning in the nature reserve that we know the children will not forget! Thank you Jesus for special times together and times of focus on your greatness!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Chi Alpha is on their way!

Getting ready to greet this team!!! Can't wait to see them in action. This is going to be a great week for Agnes and Martha! 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday: Derek and I at the Lighthouse Children's Shelter around August 2002. What an incredible season of our lives! Amazed at the role we got to play in the lives of little ones like these. Humbling!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

World Food Festival

My kids love the food fair! We cannot wait. This event draws thousands to our church, where we pray they will encounter the love of God and be drawn to return again for more of Him. We're busy painting boxes and getting things ready for Friday night!