Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tensions running high!

Yesterday our electricity went off several times during the day. This is not unusual and beyond wondering if I had forgotten to pay the bill I really didn't think much of it. Except it was really hot yesterday! By 4pm it was back on and I was preparing for a normal evening at home. My plan was short lived as the power turned shut off before 5pm. Derek was picking up friends at the airport so I put the kids all to bed in our room while I sat in a rocking chair with a miners headlamp on and read a book. Eventually the kids were all asleep and Derek and I gave up on waiting for the electricity to come back on. I'm so grateful that the temperatures dropped in the evening and we were able to get a little sleep. This morning the power came back on about 6:15 but then turned off again an hour later. Now we know the story: two transformers providing for our city collapsed yesterday and will hopefully be repaired by the weekend. The city has a plan to provide electricity at night (like now, I'm thrilled to be under a fan at the moment!) and for 2 hour portions of the day. Our time will be 5-7 pm. Temperatures are over 100 degrees F this week, businesses are losing a lot of money, alarms are working and crime is always a factor, and tensions are really running high. We are praying for the electrical company and all those working round the clock to fix the problem, praying for our home and the safety of our family, and praying for our city!

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