My name is Rebecca and I'm from Katy, Texas and and a Texas Aggie Class of '97. I've had the privilege of serving in foreign missions for most of my adult life and absolutely love it! I met my husband Derek, a South African while attending our YWAM DTS in the Middle East in 2000. During our first week of lectures every student shared a brief testimony of how God had rescued them and how they intended to live for Him. I'm fairly certain I fell in love with Derek in those five minutes. We were married three months after our training ended and went to work in Swaziland one month after our honeymoon.

Sometimes missions can get so complicated with strategies, projects, finances and expectations but God has made it very simple. We are called to love. Our utmost desire is to love Christ with all our hearts and through Him love each person He chooses to place in front of us.
We do that in a various ways from orphan care ministry to preaching and teaching, but over the years God has made it pretty clear that our biggest contribution to the body of Christ is how we disciple others, so that remains our focus. We would love you prayers for us on this journey, that we would keep Christ and His love and truth our focus and remain faithful to share Him with the world.