Alfred and Martha |
While staying with her in-laws in 1996, Martha watched two children walking to school. She was shocked to see that neither child wore shoes and their school uniforms were more rags than clothing. As children both Martha and her husband Alfred knew the pain of growing up in poverty and having to attend school without something as simple as shoes. After watching the children walk down the road Martha went to Alfred and asked if they could help the children. Not a wealthy family, Martha and Alfred had to save several months to secure enough money to provide shoes for the two children she saw walking that morning.
Martha and Alfred have continued that type of generosity and compassion outreach for over 14 years. They have opened their home to countless children providing food, clothing, assistance with obtaining birth certificates and child welfare grants, education, and most importantly love. Martha’s reason for helping those first two children was because she knew their pain and wanted to help in any way she could. Her daily goal today is to do whatever necessary to help children finish school, secure good jobs, to take care of themselves and their families, and to be active members of their communities.
Martha giving the girls their new school shirts |