Monday, September 17, 2012

Sirens, police vans, helicopters...

More striking today as 2000 people gathered in Marikana to continue strikes against Lonmin. The surface issue is wage disputes but underneath it is a lot of political agendas at play between two different unions wanting authority and Julius Malema and the current ANC leadership in South Africa who both want power over the country.

Police gave Malema 10 minutes to leave the strike today as it was only open to mine workers and negotiators. His vehicle was escorted by police vehicles from the area.

We don't pretend to know the whole workings of what is happening here. I was reading in James 5 today about hoarding wealth and not paying someone the wage they have earned. My prayer is that these mines will be instruments of blessing to the workers. As far as the corruption and power issues at play, we (believers in this city and nation) are trusting in God's hand and His power. We need His rule in this land. We need Him to expose corruption and bring justice and peace.

Please keep praying for the future of South Africa! Thank you.

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