Thursday, October 11, 2012

His Kingdom Come

There are big problems to sort out in Rustenburg and we're praying for God's peace. There was more violence yesterday and many people are afraid, but the body of Christ is rising up in the city to pray and war in the Spirit for our city and it's people. The city-wide prayer meeting on Wednesday was so encouraging! God spoke words of repentance, forgiveness, justice, and deliverance. May His Kingdom Come!!!

There are outreaches this week to the mining hostels. 600 people prayed to receive Jesus as their savior on Tuesday. I haven't heard any new updates, but we are believing God for revival and redemption for our city.

Tens of thousands of tickets have been distributed for the revival meeting on Saturday, the 20th! We are praying for an overwhelming response from the mining community and praying for reconciliation and true brotherhood in the body of Christ across every dividing line.

Please keep praying for Rustenburg.

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