Thursday, November 29, 2012

Matt 18

Wednesday morning I shared with my Bible study group the model of Matthew 18 for confronting sin.  My heart has been wrestling with this text since last Thursday night when my dear friend Julie shared a powerful message with women in our church. Julie, a believer and follower of Christ since she was a child, has followed God on a journey of self-discovery, confession of sin, redemption, and freedom that few people are willing to walk. But in this world filled with captives both inside and out of our churches, we desperately need people willing to do anything to touch the hem of His robe.

Julie visited us for just one week, but she has left a mark. I knew she would which is why I longed for the women in our church to hear her speak. I've listened to several hearts already who are grappling with themselves and hopefully God over what Julie taught. But as always, Julie's presence has left it's mark on me. I'm more aware of the condition of my heart than I have been in a long time. God used a sister to shine a light on my sin, not because she used words to point it out but because her deep desire to be free of sin compels me to do the same. I know I'll never be perfect, but God wants me to be free and died so it can be possible.

I've got so much to learn. I'm pretty transparent, but like most people I've got some good hiding places and lightening fast reflexes to blame others for my sin. The women in my study groups are no different, but we want to be. We know that as long as we have these fleshly bodies sin will be present in our lives, but through Christ we can walk free of sin's chains. And through the body of Christ we can seek safe places to confess and confront the sin that threatens to hold us.

As you pray for Derek and I on the mission field, please keep this in mind. We desperately want to lead others into God's presence to receive the salvation He alone can offer. But, we need that same salvation all the time! Please pray for God to bring freedom in our own lives and reveal the sin in our hearts. Pray that we will confront sin without fear or trepidation and that, in humility we will walk in the light.

1 comment:

spreadeagle said...

So thankful the Lord in His goodness allowed Julie to share her gifts with you all. She's such an encouragement to me as well! Prayed for your family to live in Christ's freedom!