Thursday, November 1, 2012

Peace and Certainty

The last two weeks have been filled with some of the most stressful and most peaceful days of our lives. We have been overwhelmed by God's kindness as we navigate our way through an incredibly sad loss for our team and community while standing in absolute certainty of Bri's homecoming with Christ and the love and affection poured out on her in His presence.

One of the many things God has revealed is a renewed compassion for the lost. The evening of Bri's accident was filled with heartache, confusion, pain, peace, comfort, sadness, stress... such a mix of emotions that seem to overtake you until 'numb' is the best description. Every day since has been about doing what needs to be done minute by minute and hour by hour. But that first night, while grieving for her God gave me such a beautiful picture of her homecoming with Him. I saw Him telling her how much He loved her and how proud He was of her. I heard Him tell her that He was pleased with her and that He takes great joy in who she is. While He said all of this, she accepted it fully without any sinful nature to push it back or deny the beauty of who He has made her to be. She was able to delight in herself as He does and to delight in Him and being in His presence. As we process her death and homecoming with Christ, I have been so grieved for the lost who do not know Him and have never experienced His rescue or redemption, for the ones who have not the ears to hear Him say those incredibly loving words of acceptance. My mind can't comprehend all the ways God can use this situation for His glory and His love to be poured out, but the peace we know as we trust in Him is something I pray all of mankind can know. Bri's life has already produced fruit in those she discipled and befriended, but I want it to go further and further still. I want a harvest and believe God has just that in mind.


cara joy said...

Dear Rebecca, you probably don't know me but I'm a friend of Bri's from MN (and her roommate from 5 years ago) A friend shared your blog link with me and I just have to tell you how incredibly blessed I am by your last few posts on Bri. Especially the most recent with a vision of her Homecoming and the earlier one on those those she served commenting on her impact. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. I had only heard Bri's side of things, so it's so special to get other views of her impact from there. We'll be celebrating her life with a memorial service for her in MN at the church she had here on the 11th. Thank you for loving on her and being such wonderful friends to her while she served there. May God bless you and cover you with His peace and comfort! Cara

South Africa said...

Thank you for your kind words Cara. Our hearts break for all those who are grieving Bri, but the fruit of her work here truly brings delight to my heart. Please pray for the young adults she ministered to and that what God has begun in their hearts through Bri's life and service would continue to grow and mature. She was one special girl!