Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Jesus, my King!

100 children will be joining us tomorrow to celebrate Jesus! Popcorn and cookies are ready. Salads are prepped. Wood is cut for the fire and the ladies are ready to start frying potatoes and chicken drumsticks early tomorrow. I need to buy a couple more things in the morning, but for the most part we are all set.

I'm so thankful to our church family for letting me borrow the large felt board from Sunday School. I'm going to use that for the next two days to tell the story of how Mary came to know she was chosen by God to bring His son into the world, how she and Joseph travelled so far to Bethlehem, and how Jesus, the King of all kings, made His humble entrance into this world. I'm so excited and expectant of God's presence with us and His heart poured out onto these children! I pray this year some new understanding, some new emotion, and new life will spring forth as we tell the story and delight together in Christ our Lord.

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