Sunday, February 24, 2013

Update on Water and Electricity

This is the third morning we have had both electricity and water! I'm very grateful but expect it will go off at any time today. An article finally made it in the paper saying the problem is with our main transformer and that we will have to wait for a new one to be sent from Germany which will take 6 months. Apparently the greater problem is that our municipality is bankrupt. That news has not printed that last bit, but it doesn't surprise anyone in town.

So it seems as a city we will have power cuts and water shortages for the foreseeable future. I've got some prayer request regarding this:

1) God wants to do something in our city. Last year I felt like what was meant to happen through the mining labor crisis didn't happen. The trouble subsided or at least was shelved, but transformation did not happen. If God can now use a municipal issue to bring change to our city, then I am all for it. PLEASE PRAY for revival in Rustenburg and South Africa!

2) In the past, we've discussed and pondered that the quickest way to bring civil unrest and war is to cut everyone's power. In a city with such disparity between the rich and the poor, in a nation where murder is second to only Columbia, and where rape is a disgusting 'norm' in society, people do many things to make themselves feel secure. Gates, bars, and alarm companies being the most common defense. When darkness settles in for the night, fear can quickly follow. PLEASE PRAY for the protection of my family and for everyone in our city. PRAY for calm heads, peace and unity in the city. PRAY for transformation.

3) I can live without water for a few days. We can easily get more from friends who have or fill water jugs in town or get from the fire truck that goes through neighbors with the longest water shortages. I can do my laundry and dishes at 2 am when the power comes back on. We can eat raw fruits and veggies. We really only need a few hours of electricity everyday anyway. Basically, we can make a plan. But, I really don't want to have to buy new appliances when they've been damaged from the power cuts. PLEASE PRAY my fridge holds up as well as our other things.

Many, many blessings!!!

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