Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Africa. Mission. Home.

Africa as our mission field was not our first choice. Derek and I loved where we met and would have moved back there in a heartbeat, but God had another idea in mind. Today is one of the few days a year when we really question our lives. We said goodbye to my mom and dad last night and the whole family has a broken heart this morning. One of my children cried himself to sleep, while another whimpered throughout the night, and the other asked me all the questions we ask ourselves when these goodbyes happen. "Why do we live here? Aren't there orphans in America? Can't you teach about Jesus anywhere?" The only answer I have is that God told us to come here and hasn't told us to leave, nor do we want to.  This morning, I'm working on my Bible study notes for tomorrow's lessons. A woman I'm walking with called last night for a one-on-one meeting today and I'm anxious to see her.  Bible study, this woman and others like her are the reasons why I'm here. Derek has three phone calls to return for similar one-on-one meetings and will be spending the afternoon helping a mission's family. This is why we're here. To share Jesus. To live for Him. Sometimes that means more joy than we can handle and other times it means a bit of suffering.  Please pray for our hearts today and for the ministry of our family in this community. We want our lives to mean something for Him in this place and pray for His love, power, and wisdom for that purpose. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Lifting up a prayer for you!

South Africa said...

Thank you Debbie! It's been a good day for everyone. So thankful for God's grace.