Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fully Known and Delighted In

Last Monday we hosted a women's dinner evening at my friend's B&B in Rustenburg. Seventy women arrived, the food was wonderful, the decorations beautiful, and the atmosphere perfect for the Lord to work in our hearts. Women came hungry. I could see it on their faces as they walked in the door. They were ready to be filled up in body and soul and ready to offer friendship to the women around them. The topic of discussion was justification in Christ and adoption into God's family and how that deals with, among other things, guilt and shame in our lives. I didn't know many of the women in the room but I could see on their faces that while some were with me and almost desperate for the truth of God's word on these issues, others were terrified of the vulnerability I was suggesting. I think if they could have, some would have held up their hands and said "Stop, I don't want to hear this."

I've had amazing feed back so far and am fully prepared to teach this lesson again and again to whomever will hear it. God in His grace and mercy fully knows us and delights in us. And wants us to be fully known and delighted in by His family. I'm so excited about the freedom in Christ this message can bring and am eager to see what God does next. This teaching comes out of the STEPS material we've been using from The Village Church in Texas. I got to see how it was planted in Kenya and now we're seeing it planted here. Yipppee is the word that comes to mind!!

Our time in the States is approaching quickly, but when we return in August, we want to dig back into this program and offer it more into the community.

Here's a quick story from Monday night:
A friend of friend came to the evening. She has a child with severe health issues which have caused for the family's whole existence to now be centred around the child. The husband and wife have stopped communicating and are going through strife, marital trouble, and deep pain. So much has gone unsaid and unconfessed before each other and God. During the teaching, this woman felt God was speaking just to her. After the ministry time, she went straight home and that very night asked her husband to join her in the lounge. She poured out her heart and said what she needed to say. The husband followed her lead and did the same. God broke through some many borders with that conversation and the many that have followed. I'm so grateful for God's ministry into the hearts of these women.

I have an appointment in a few hours with another 2 women from the evening. I don't know them, but know they need to pour out their hearts. I'm asking God for His ears and heart today for the women and wisdom to know where to point them for further prayer and community.

Thank you so much for praying for us!

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