Thursday, May 15, 2014

Looking for an answer

During a conversation this morning I asked a woman I'm pursing relationship with, "where do you go to when you hurt?" We spoke about prayer and God's heart to engage with us. We spoke about her problems and how she's tried to fix them in the past or at least how others have advised her to fix them. She said she has to choose whom to go to for help. She can choose the women she knows will pray with her and lead her to the truth of God's word on the subject. Or she can choose to go to others who say "don't pray, go to the witch doctor, they'll help you." As she shared I almost giggled. So many people I know would never dream of going to a witch doctor to fix their problems and yet that is exactly what we do when we look for the quick fix in anything. We are so impatient. I catch myself at times of crisis reaching for the phone instead of calling out to God. I'm so grateful that His Spirit in me catches me in those moments to choose Him above all else. How I wish I was always obedient to do as He leads me. My friend from this morning is seeing God's hand in her life. Long-suffering prayers are being answered, but the fear is that circumstances won't stay as they are. I'm praying God will give her great faith to keep preserving in her prayers and that God will be glorified in her circumstances, always.

I'm getting prepared to teach on Monday night at a women's dinner evening. I love these evenings and getting to share with the women is a huge privilege. Please pray that my heart be soft to God's leading and His word. I'm got so much bouncing around in my head and heart and I want to be certain it is God's message and not my own. I would really appreciate your prayers! Thanks, Rebecca

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