Monday, April 13, 2015


Our second Series has now ended and we are taking a break before starting this next one. Wow! This was hard. The amount of grief, heartache, disappointment, and various other big issues that people carry simply crushes me. I know in this life we will struggle, but when I think about the sin of others that has caused such harm I find myself so sad. And when I think of how the things can linger and pull an individual into a life they never wanted and can't seem to find their way out of it makes me angry. And the shame, pride, unforgiveness that we carry is overwhelming. We have given Satan too much room in our lives and hearts. Steps, or as it is now called, Recovering Redemption is an amazing program meant to expose what we are most loyal to in our hearts and challenge us to live as God intended us to. For Derek and I, every class is relevant and also speaks to us as much as it does to those attending. But this go around, was really hard. All I can think now considering how much I dread starting the next cycle, is that we fought this time around too much in our own strength and did not lean enough of Jesus to do the work.

I don't want to make that mistake again. Lord, please give us wisdom to start this at the right time and to trust in you more than we ever have before.

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