In my small group time I was sharing about how God wants to comfort our hearts, He wants to heal our hurts, He wants to sustain us and how we look for that sustaining in so many other places. I used this example, "When someone hurts us, we want them to come and fix it. We want them to make us feel better. While that apology and care would be so helpful to our healing process, God wants to be the one to heal us, to comfort us in our pain. In Him the healing will be perfect and complete. Instead of sitting in hurt or bitterness waiting for the offending person to come and fix us, we should go the Lord and and allow Him in to heal that very hurt." That's when I saw it. The penny dropped. It's fun to see the expression on a person's face when the penny drops. It was a young woman I have met a few times at these events and while I had no idea to what the teaching was referencing in her own life, it was very clear that revelation had just come to her. Afterwards she shared a deep rooted pain that has been a stumbling blocking. She realised she's been waiting for those involved to heal the pain and that she must seek God's heart for her healing. I'm so excited for this young woman and eager to hear what God will do in her life. Thank you Lord God for caring so deeply about our hearts. I pray that she will run to you and that in those moments of fellowship You will pour our Your perfect love and care in a way that will shake her to the core. You God are enough!! Help us to know this in every cell in our bodies. And in every situation, teach us to run to You for everything.
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