Tuesday, August 23, 2016

At the Alter of Sexual Idolatry

There is a great book, At the Alter of Sexual Idolatry, that digs deep into the heart about living a pure life in the midst of our over sexualized societies. And the Steps course we're running also has incredible insight into this as well. As with all good teaching, it is only transformative if its taken into the heart. Out of the overflow of the heart, we will speak and behave. Over the next two days Derek is meeting with a group of men to discuss the issue of pornography and lust. This is serious stuff and he doesn't take the opportunity lightly. Derek rattles the door of this issue a lot and unfortunately, the door to discussion is often slammed shut. So, we thank God that the door is open, even what seems like to be just a crack, but it's open. Please join me in praying for these meetings, for these men, and for Derek. 

Lord Jesus, above all else, we seek the freedom that you died to bring us. We pray you prepare the hearts of these men to encounter your heart on this subject like never before. We pray for healing and joy in their marital relationships. We pray they would be brave, that like the bleeding woman, they would be willing to step out into the crowd amidst their neighbours and friends, and grab hold of the victory you alone provide over the sin that binds them. Lord God, fill Derek with your grace and love and wisdom. Give Him to discernment and power in his speech. In your mercy, expose hearts and bring your healing. Amen. 

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