Thursday, August 25, 2016

He is faithful!

In 2010 and 2011, GM ChildLife Fund began supporting Martha's and Agnes's House. Up until that time Derek and I were responsible for raising most of the monthly funding to feed the children. When GM got involved we were able to finish off the necessary construction projects in order to have onsite foster care at both after care centres as well as maintain all the monthly needs. We have been so grateful for the thousands of rands donated by GM over the last 5/6 years. This month we received news that our season of funding wth the ChildLife Fund will come to an end in December of this year. They have given two years longer than they originally intended and we are grateful for that extended time, but their desire is to help others programs become established.

The news came as a shock, but my heart burst wide open when I told Martha the news. She smiled, nodding her head several times, saying "Okay. Okay." We spoke about praying for the season ahead and using this transition as an opportunity to reconnect with the vision of the program and what we hope to accomplish. Since I have been responsible for the admin side of things for so long, this will free me to pursue discipleship alone with the children and I'm really excited about that. Then Martha smiled and said, "They gave for a really long time." There was no frustration that the season has come to an end. No fear that we only have a few months to prepare. No despair for what will happen now. She was simply and beautifully grateful. Agnes had basically the same reaction. Ruthless trust starts and ends with gratefulness.

Being part of this ministry for the last 10 plus years has taught us all one incredible lesson over and over again; GOD IS FAITHFUL! He is faithful. He loves these children. He loves Martha and Agnes. He is for orphans and vulnerable children. He is their Father and everything we have done or hope to do only happens through Him and for Him. When I start to think analytically I get nervous. So I'm doing my absolute best to arrest every doubt, fear, or nagging thought of how God will provide in the future. Instead I am crying out, "Thank you God!! Bless GM. Bless the ChildLife Fund. Bless those precious children who will be touched by their grant. Open our eyes to see the way forward. Help us to walk where and how you want us to. God you have done so much. So much. I can't recount it all. So much to show your incredible faithfulness to these kids. Thank you Lord. That faithfulness will continue and I pray it will increase their faith and trust in You in ways that having this grant might have prevented. We trust you Lord"

Won't you please join us in praying for the future of these programs. There are several directions we can take and we want to move only as God would intend us to. Thank you! 

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