Sunday, January 13, 2013


December holidays are officially over. We had a great time with the kids this holiday season just hanging out at home and spending a few days with Derek's family. We've been talking and praying, reflecting on 2012 and heading into 2013 with an overwhelming expectation of God will bring about. 2012 was not without difficulty but if I had to apply one word to God for last year it would be: KINDNESS. He is so kind, so loving, and so great to His children!

Kyla had her first day of school last week along with our kiddos in Phokeng who started the new school year. My boys head back this Wed for their first day. Martha and I are busy with school uniforms and stationery and getting all the kids ready.

This year will have lots going on: more Bible study training, more discipleship, more evangelism, a little travel to teach with YWAM, lots of one on ones with people God has placed in our path, more local outreach, and much, much more!!! 

Jesus, You're the One! We love you. Lead us where you want us to go. 

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