Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Parties!!!

It's that time of year again and the kids in Phokeng have been greatly blessed. Suzan, a missionary friend in Rustenburg organised Christmas stockings for all the kids at Agnes' House. Brigette, a teacher at my kids' school organised Christmas shoe boxes for all the kids at Martha's House. My friend Jemielle, volunteered her Bed and Breakfast for the Martha's event!  My friend Kirsty, organised extra gifts for Agnes' kids and we even had extra to take to Grace Helps Centre, formerly the Lighthouse Children's shelter, and give stockings to their 55 kiddos! And my friend Kerry helped with the party for Hope Church in Freedom Park! GM ChildLife Fund made it possible with food and transport!  All in all, I've been overwhelmed by the willingness and heart to reach out to the kids in our community. Thank you to everyone who has made this a wonderful holiday for the kids. We are truly grateful and so are they!

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