Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I most sincerely apologise for not updating this sooner! We've been living in a whirlwind of Bible Study, prayer, small group and one-on-one discipleship. This first quarter of 2014 is one of intense discipleship for Derek and I. Such an exciting and terrifying season. I can't quite explain where we are except to say, "without God I am nothing." A magnifying glass is aimed at our hearts and the heart of each man and woman God has put before us.

Derek and I started a new group on Tuesday nights and we're 4 weeks in. This group involves a 2 hour weekly teaching time and a small group hour, plus one-on-one meetings throughout the week. The testimonies already are of God's incredible grace and kindness in our lives. Change is happening. In hearts, lives, and marriages. Oh dear Lord, please bring more and do what you want in us. Soften our hearts and teach us your way of love and sacrifice.

My Wednesday morning ladies Bible study is awesome!! Always awesome! God is so good to us. We are doing Breaking Free again. For some ladies its new, for others its the second time, and for me this is round 4. I can't get over how God can use each lesson to speak to our hearts and show us our weakness. One thing we are doing is learning to delight in that weakness in regards to God's power to be glorified in it. We can overcome the strongholds that bind us because He is the ultimate victor against all captivity. I am having such fun watching women experience the freedom Christ can bring.

Derek and I are so grateful for the season we are in and for the people He is placing in front of us to disciple and "do life" with. We're thankful to be in such a place of dependence on Christ and his example of a life without sin. We continue to trust that as we seek God with our whole hearts that He will soften those hearts and help us to live more at peace with Him and more sacrificially to the world around us.

Please keep us in your prayers!! Love,  Derek and Rebecca

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