Monday, March 10, 2014

One On One

Derek and I are extremely transparent about our lives, our hopes, and our mistakes. We know it freaks people out sometimes, but mostly we've found it opens a doorway for others to feel secure enough to be transparent with us. Very quickly they learn that there is little that will shock us and so far nothing that's made us run in the other direction. Jesus has an answer for every situation we face. He is the answer. This week is going to be filled with one one one meetings and small group discussions that will get very personal. Derek's began before dawn this morning and I'm heading to one in the next hour. We're dealing with some heavy heartache and serious bondage. But, Christ is bigger than all that and we know it. To remain focused on that all week will be our greatest pursuit!

I just read a question in my Bible study that asked "what makes you lose heart, what makes you hide?". I think it's such a great question because it applies to all of us in some way or another. It requires transparency to honestly answer that question from the deepest parts of us. I know without a shadow of doubt that God wants to bring people out of hiding and wants to fill up their hearts so full of Him that everything else pales in comparison.

My prayer this week that God will pull back the curtains and bring in some light. That hearts will be healed and filled with joy instead of heartache, courage instead of fear.

Jesus, we need you desperately. You are welcome here. Welcome in our hearts, welcome in our meetings, welcome in every situation we face. Lord that we would be like you!! Please have your way in us. Amen.


Unknown said...

Thanks for your transparency! Praying for God's Presence and love to be so close to you as you seek His heart.

South Africa said...

Thank you Anna!