Thursday, April 17, 2014

6 weeks!

In six weeks we're heading back to the US for a quick two month visit with friends and family, sharing God's goodness, celebrating His faithfulness, praying together, and getting and giving lots and lots of hugs!! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. Derek's visa appt is next Thursday and we're praying for favour and expediency in the process for him. I just saw online that the ticket prices are still great and we're praying that holds out until next Thursday when we can buy them!

So please pray with us for the following:
Derek's visa appt to go well and that the visa will be given without any difficulties
For the purchase of our flights at a great rate
For traveling mercies on the family
For our friends here in South Africa who will be managing our home or work for us while we're away
For our time in the States to be filled with praise of God's heart for this world and special moments together in His presence with those who so faithfully pray for us and support our ministry.

Six weeks!! Any chance Texas bluebonnets will still be around in 6 weeks?

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