Tuesday, November 27, 2012

God's plan for our nation

I don't know what God's plan is for our nation, not when it comes to the details of our government or the potential we have in the world. But I do know this: God desires that all man would know Him. Nature cries out His glory. He gives us His word to guide us, protect us, and lead us to Himself. He will not be mocked. One day, every knee will bow. EVERY KNEE will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. My prayer is that our nation's leader and the people of South Africa will bow now and not later.

Please read the article below to grasp the reality of witchcraft in our government and the deception clouding the minds of our leaders.

And please pray for God to reveal Himself in this nation and the hearts of the people. Please pray for a deep revelation that sparks genuine, long-lasting desire for God's rule over our lives.



Raley Family Blog said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you guys as you continue to move forward in the plans the Lord has for you guys. I am so sorry about the sudden loss of your teammate and friend. Glad that you were able to get away and rest and relax awhile so that the Lord can renew and refresh you guys for the journey he has ahead for you. I enjoy following your blog and seeing the heart you have for the Lord, the lost and this country. What a mighty God we serve!

South Africa said...

Thank you for the encouraging words! How are you guys doing?