Monday, May 30, 2016

Ladies Retreat 2016

Our retreat this year was a huge success!! I worked myself into absolute exhaustion but this was sooooo worth it. I loved everything about this retreat: the material we are using, the place we stayed, the movie we watched, the craft we did, the small groups, the gifts, the food.... it was all awesome!! I'm so grateful for the ladies who helped me with leading small groups or getting the craft together. And for Derek who is my constant support to get everything done! And to you Lord God, this is a perfect set up...this is the perfect opportunity for all of us women to engage with you differently. I pray you will fill us with a greater longing for you and by grace, when that longing comes that we will respondly swiftly and obediently and run, not walk, but RUN into your presence. We love you Lord!!! 

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